
Sneak Peek

More than a collection of recipes, this  E-cookbook is your beacon of nutritional enlightenment! Shamelessly enjoy indulgent treats that will complement your fitness goals and fill you with confidence to love every step of your wellness journey. 

With a sweet tooth pinging in my ear, I’ve become especially fond of sweet treats. I aspire to invent superfood versions of the store-bought treats I grew up with – minus the refined sugars, preservatives, and inflammatory ingredients. I was in disbelief to find that I could make sinfully decadent desserts that also served my body. I’d always bring clients samples of my latest creations and I even launched a cake subscription business, delivering many of the exclusive recipes you’ll find in this E-cookbook! Because I only use earth-derived ingredients, my recipes taste indulgent but they satisfy the palate in just a few tender bites. They won’t trick you into eating in excess or spike your blood sugar either.

With this E-cookbook as your guide, I invite you to join my tribe of vitality seekers. I believe with love, courage, and these healthily curated recipes – you can totally have your cake and eat it too! When you make the brave decision to explore and love yourself fully, you elevate every other standard of your life. You intentionally indulge with homemade goodies because you can, because it’s delicious, and because it’s 1000% nourishment. You give yourself permission to come as you are, to grow, and to always Indulge your Ruby Sol.

Whether you’re new to the kitchen or a seasoned home cook – this E-cookbook has something indulgent and nourishing for you! Choose from a collection of 13 quick and easy recipes including Treasure Cakes, Pancakes, Waffles, Biscuits, Granola, and more! You’ll also find helpful tips on how to select high-quality ingredients, stock a wholesome pantry, and insider recommendations! 

Clean Eating Just Got Easier!

Learn how to choose the best foods for weight loss, higher energy, and vitality with my Grocery List Guide that will save you time, empty calories, and set you and your family up for a week of healthy meals!